What Is a Combi Oven? Types & Benefits

combi oven

Combination ovens or Combi Ovens are important and valuable multi-functional appliances. They are a big step up from your regular convection oven, boasting a variety of advanced controls and programs for cooking fabulous food. They can cook your chosen grub to perfection, sealing in all the nutrients and flavor you usually lose in your average oven. Combi ovens are a no-brainer for everyday chefs or even if you own any business like hotels, restaurants, or even a café. Browse the wide selection of Combi ovens at our store as we offer everything with quality. Let’s have a look at the types, pros, and cons of having this oven.

Different Types of Oven you need

Three types of cooking can be combined to make your ideal oven. It does depend on how you like to cook your food and what tastes best for you.

Convection (Fan or Fan Assist): This is probably what you’re used to. Convection uses fans to push hot air around the oven to brown and cook the food inside. This method cooks everything evenly, however removes moisture during the process. This is great for baking, roasting, and oven-frying. If you need anything nice and crispy, this oven is your guy!

Steam: This method utilizes a small tank of water to create evenly cooked, moist, and nutritious food. Water is siphoned from the tank to create super-heated steam. This is funneled throughout the oven, making healthy and nutritious food.

Microwave: You might already know this one! Microwaves use an internal magnetron to create invisible energy that travels throughout the internal chamber and gets lodged in certain molecules such as fat, water, and sugar. These molecules are heated up individually, and that’s why it’s best to stir your food if using this method.


What Makes a Combi Oven Different from others?

It’s simple. A combi oven reduces the need for other appliances. No need for a steamer, no need for a bread maker, and sometimes even no need for a microwave. The combi oven unites all your additional appliances into one super smart oven that can do everything. This saves you time, space, and money, whether it’s in a professional setting or at home. Having a combi oven is like having a little kitchen assistant that can do everything at once, whilst also cleaning up your counter space.

The combi oven uses your traditional fan convection style oven, along with the addition of steam. The injection of steam in different programs allows for particular foods to be cooked in specific ways that keep them fresh and tasty. For example, steaming seals in the flavor, nutrients, and color of food. This works especially well with fish and vegetables, as a normal oven would usually dry out the skin and leach out the natural flavors.

 After that, you can combine steam with convection to lock in flavor whilst maintaining the crispy, crunchy exterior (ideal for joints of meat!). And with a mass of other programs, from defrosting to rapid heat, combi ovens make cooking your favorite foods to perfection no trouble at all.

Pros vs Cons of Combi Ovens

Pros Cons
Endless methods of cooking Can be difficult to learn to use
Can be compact and space-saving Regular, additional cleaning required (although some are self-cleaning)
Makes cooking for a large crowd easy Some models will need descaling
Contains moisture, nutrients, and the color of food More expensive compared to regular ovens
25% – 30% quicker than your average oven Steam compartment will need refilling regularly (unless you buy a plumbed-in model!)
Reduces shrinkage of meats
Lower energy usage
No cross-contamination of smells & tastes


Selecting the right equipment for your business plays a crucial role in making your business, be it a hotel, restaurant, or even a café successful. We know you must be worried about how you can select the best commercial combi oven but we are sure that we have guided you enough on the pros and cons of having this oven. Pick the best, but from HORECA Store only.


What are Combi Ovens used for?
Combi ovens are used for versatile cooking methods, including steaming, baking, roasting, and grilling.
What can I cook in a Combi Oven?
You can cook a wide range of dishes in a combi oven, such as meats, vegetables, bread, and pastries.
When would you use a Combi Oven?
You would use a combi oven when you need a single appliance that can handle multiple cooking techniques efficiently.

Combination ovens or Combi Ovens are important and valuable multi-functional appliances. They are a big step up from your regular convection oven, boasting a variety of advanced controls and programs for cooking fabulous food. They can cook your chosen grub to perfection, sealing in all the nutrients and flavor you usually lose in your average oven. Combi ovens are a no-brainer for everyday chefs or even if you own any business like hotels, restaurants, or even a café. Browse the wide selection of Combi ovens at our store as we offer everything with quality. Let’s have a look at the types, pros, and cons of having this oven.

Different Types of Oven you need

Three types of cooking can be combined to make your ideal oven. It does depend on how you like to cook your food and what tastes best for you.

Convection (Fan or Fan Assist): This is probably what you’re used to. Convection uses fans to push hot air around the oven to brown and cook the food inside. This method cooks everything evenly, however removes moisture during the process. This is great for baking, roasting, and oven-frying. If you need anything nice and crispy, this oven is your guy!

Steam: This method utilizes a small tank of water to create evenly cooked, moist, and nutritious food. Water is siphoned from the tank to create super-heated steam. This is funneled throughout the oven, making healthy and nutritious food.

Microwave: You might already know this one! Microwaves use an internal magnetron to create invisible energy that travels throughout the internal chamber and gets lodged in certain molecules such as fat, water, and sugar. These molecules are heated up individually, and that’s why it’s best to stir your food if using this method.


What Makes a Combi Oven Different from others?

It’s simple. A combi oven reduces the need for other appliances. No need for a steamer, no need for a bread maker, and sometimes even no need for a microwave. The combi oven unites all your additional appliances into one super smart oven that can do everything. This saves you time, space, and money, whether it’s in a professional setting or at home. Having a combi oven is like having a little kitchen assistant that can do everything at once, whilst also cleaning up your counter space.

The combi oven uses your traditional fan convection style oven, along with the addition of steam. The injection of steam in different programs allows for particular foods to be cooked in specific ways that keep them fresh and tasty. For example, steaming seals in the flavor, nutrients, and color of food. This works especially well with fish and vegetables, as a normal oven would usually dry out the skin and leach out the natural flavors.

 After that, you can combine steam with convection to lock in flavor whilst maintaining the crispy, crunchy exterior (ideal for joints of meat!). And with a mass of other programs, from defrosting to rapid heat, combi ovens make cooking your favorite foods to perfection no trouble at all.

Pros vs Cons of Combi Ovens

Pros Cons
Endless methods of cooking Can be difficult to learn to use
Can be compact and space-saving Regular, additional cleaning required (although some are self-cleaning)
Makes cooking for a large crowd easy Some models will need descaling
Contains moisture, nutrients, and the color of food More expensive compared to regular ovens
25% – 30% quicker than your average oven Steam compartment will need refilling regularly (unless you buy a plumbed-in model!)
Reduces shrinkage of meats
Lower energy usage
No cross-contamination of smells & tastes


Selecting the right equipment for your business plays a crucial role in making your business, be it a hotel, restaurant, or even a café successful. We know you must be worried about how you can select the best commercial combi oven but we are sure that we have guided you enough on the pros and cons of having this oven. Pick the best, but from HORECA Store only.

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What are Combi Ovens used for?
Combi ovens are used for versatile cooking methods, including steaming, baking, roasting, and grilling.
What can I cook in a Combi Oven?
You can cook a wide range of dishes in a combi oven, such as meats, vegetables, bread, and pastries.
When would you use a Combi Oven?
You would use a combi oven when you need a single appliance that can handle multiple cooking techniques efficiently.
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